God is the Author of Good


I think about that sentence and am able to see distinctly there are 2 stories happening. One with an author that writes happy endings , happy stories and one where the author writes discouragement. It sometimes is not a matter of choice on which story will be written into our day. In a sense history keeps repeating itself. Especially the story of one spreading vicious lies and rumors and many believing that story. But all it takes is one person to know the truth and the rumors and lies don’t seem as devasting.


Over the last few months God has bless me with 3 new friends in my life. Making friends has always been something terrifying to me. A lifetime of being bullied and unpopular had left its scars on my heart and for a long time I avoided anything that resembled a friendship. Why? Because I got to a point in my life where I didn’t care if anyone liked me anymore. Too many hurts, too many betrayals and I let walls build up around me.


Instead of calling these 3 ladies the 3 wise men (like in the birth of Jesus) I will call them the 3 wise ladies because truly they are

-they not only remind me of goodness but they also bring gifts of goodness and tell me they are ours

Their generous spirit and interest in my life has made it easy for me to open myself up again to a God that actually could possibly love me and want good for me


Clearly to be Gods child meant I must suffer…what?? Yes that is how I lived. Believing it was God that wrote suffering into my life. Believing God was the Author of all the sadness.

Why was I taught this? This is the question I have asked myself all week.

I don’t have an answer yet for why I lived not understanding who the Author of my story really was, BUT I do know I don’t care anymore.


My spirit has felt extreme isolation and emptiness even though I have spent years being a servant and slave to others. I have always put others before me, while they would walk away filled believing I was the most selfish person they ever met.

What a great surprise to be shown by these 3 wise ladies that we can all go together. We don’t need to let others experience the Author of Good before we do , we can all experience his great love for us together

I have spent way too much time in my life stepping aside as though the Author of Good only has one portion of goodness left . But the truth is the Author of Good only writes good.

History does keep repeating itself. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He wants good for all his children, not just everyone else but you :)

I know God will continue to bless us all because He is the Author of Good.